Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Post #8 Choc project
This is the 8th week on working on this 20% project but my group and I haven't done a lot. We just have ideas but we haven't done any actual work. For example we haven't done at least one bracelet so we were thinking of changing our whole project. But then we think that everything will have to be switched around. On Friday Irene and I were on the phone discussing what we should do. My choice was to keep the project we are doing. She was a bit undecided but then she also said she wants to keep on working on the Choc project. Vanessa agreed with us. Which was nice because if one of us would of disagreed it would make it difficult. We now have planned to meet up during winter break to go to Michaels, maybe even Choc so that we can find out if we will be mailing them or going to Choc to give them out. Hopefully they will let us give it to them because that will be more nice and fun to do.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Post # 7 Choc Project
On the week before we went on Thanksgiving, that Thursday my group and I presented our power point presentation. Mr. Lee wasn't happy about our project so far. He wants us doing more on our project because we don't have a lot done. We were just not doing more because we did not know if Choc will let us give the bracelets to the children because of the materials we will use. We had planned to go to Choc to ask if there is special materials they want us to use. But we haven't gone because we haven't had time but I think we will just be starting the bracelets with the materials we think its best. I think I will be doing some research on the best materials we can use for the bracelets. I really don't think a certain material can be very harmful to them. But it can also be the parents that won't allow us to give it to them. We will try our best on the bracelets because we think it will be very nice.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Post 6 20% project
Today we are going to visit Choc as a group. Irene is going to be able to make it today so that is why we chose this day. We want to get over if whether there going to let us give them the bracelets. After that if they say they will let us then we will go to Michaels to see the cost of the supplies for the bracelets. This is going to be mine and Vanessa's second time visiting Choc Hospital. But its going to be Irene's first time going. I'm excited to go all together. The first gather up will be at Irene's house. So today we are going to gather up after school and head to Choc. We hope to be back on time to get homework done. We are also hoping to get started on the bracelets. The bracelets are going to be fun I can tell because we all get along very well.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Post 5, 20% project
Today is the fifth week that I've been working on my 20% project. My group and I have thought of making shirts so that when we go to Choc hospital we will wear them and show our love for the patients there. I think it will show more of our support to them. We are looking for a very nice logo for the shirts. But my group and I are getting worried that they won't let us give the patients the bracelets because they can think that it can harm them. Hopefully they let us do it though because we are very excited to get through this project. Therefore Vanessa, Irene, and I are going to go to Choc again to ask them, just so we can make sure about it. Other than that we are off good. Another thing we have been working on is the presentation we are going to do for the class about the 20% project. My group and I are going up first because that was Mr. Lees' chose.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Post 4 Choc Hospital 20% project
Two weeks ago Vanessa and I went to Choc Hospital to ask how many Cancer patients there is. Irene is still in our group but she just couldn't go with us to ask. She had a family problem going on at home. So Vanessa and I went together. We went to the second floor and we saw three secretaries, of course we tried to look for the nice one. We went to the one alone and she was a really sweet lady and gave us the information we needed. We talked to her about what were doing and then we asked our main question we had which was if we may know how many cancer patients there is. She told us there is 156 Cancer patients. We thanked her for letting us know. Then we were already leaving and the security stopped us and asked us why we were there and we told him, and he said that she wasn't suppose to tell us because it is private information. So we apologized to him and he told us it was okay but to not let anyone know besides him know why we went because they can get in trouble. Then we left out of the hospital and starting thinking how many bracelets were gonna be doing each and were going to be doing about 30 bracelets each.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Post 3, Choc 20% Project
This Friday we are going to visit Choc Hospital to ask how many patients are there. That way it would give us an idea of how many bracelets we will be doing. We just got done making our video that Mr. Lee is making everyone doing. In the video we had to say our names everyone that is in our group and then one person in our group has to explain what our 20% project is on. It actually wasn't that bad like i thought it would be. I feel good about having it done already that way we won't worry about doing it some other day or all last minute. Getting more and more steps done gets me even more excited than I already am. I know visting Choc is going to move a big step out of the way. That is what is stoping us from doing the bracelets because we have to know how many patients are there right now. My group and I will give Choc Hospital our email addresses so incase their is an update about the patients there.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Post 2, 20% project. Choc Hospital
Today October 2, 2013 Irene, Vanessa, and I decided that we are only going to be making bracelets for the cancer patients at Choc Hospital. We are sorry to only be making them to the cancer patients, but making them to every single patient will just be too much and probably wouldn't have time because we have other school work to do. We still haven't scheduled the day to go to Choc but we are trying to do that as soon as possible. We don't want to have to be doing that all last minute. Then we would have to be in a rush to do all of that. We decided to go visit Choc through the week. This Friday we will find out the cost of the supplies that will be needed. We are going to shop for the supplies at Michael's. We are pretty excited to experience something we haven't done a project like this or even being something outside of school like this.

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